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Pen Pals

Pen Pals

Author(s): Martin Gore

Location(s): West Yorkshire

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): From 1900 to 2000

Brenda Arkwright has been the Managing
Director of Murgatroyd Pens for much of her
working life. She is popular, personable and
competent. But Brenda has secrets.
When Jean Murgatroyd passes away in a
nursing home in the northern industrial town
of her birth, old wounds are re-opened. Events
from Brenda’s past, inextricably intertwined
with the Murgatroyd family, are coming back
to haunt her. Simultaneously, Jean’s difficult,
estranged son James seeks to regain control of
the family business.
Jean leaves a beautiful monogrammed pen to
Brenda’s daughter, one of only two that were
ever made. The person in possession of the other
was a mystery to everybody but Brenda and
Jean, but that person may now hold the future
of Murgatroyds in their hands…

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