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Author(s): Timothy Mo

Location(s): Thailand, The Philippines

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Various



Timothy Mo’s first novel in a decade is set within the battle for secession in the Muslim regions of southern Thailand.It’s narrated for the most part by Snooky, a Thai Ladyboy. Pure covers epic expanses of time and is told through narrators who range from fanatical zealots to decorated Oxbridge dons. Everything that Mo’s readers expect abound in this long-awaited novel: versatile style, memorable characters, insight into those tormented by dual loyalties and the ability to handle the weightiest of themes with a light touch. By examining the cultural wars of the past and present, Pure’s themes are among the most important of the day

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‘almost dreamlike, a realistic fantasy, a violent fairytale for adults’ (Brian Lynch, Irish Times ) ‘Quietly powerful, consistently surprising, PURE is a fine addition to substantial body of work . . . pre-revolutionary Paris...

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Lead Review

Set predominantly in Thailand and in the Philippines, it’s centred around the battle for secession in the Muslim regions of southern Thailand and Mindanao

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