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The Reluctant Pirate

The Reluctant Pirate

Author(s): John Guy

Location(s): Somalia

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): Modern



This fast-paced thriller follows Abdi, a Somali boy brought up in the UK, as he is sucked into a pirate gang in Somalia. Tension builds as Islamic militias and the pirates fight over a ship held to ransom while the shipowner and insurer stall over freeing the ship. Abdi faces conflicts between his Western upbringing, his arranged bride in Somalia and his desire for a Norwegian woman who is an officer on the captured ship.

Book also set in Cardiff, London and Oslo

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Lead Review

Author: tripfiction

Clearly after the Tom Hanks film Captain Phillips, Somalia as a location is current. This is a modern day ‘swash-buckling’ story that will take you on a real journey of adventure.

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