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She Got Up Off the Couch

She Got Up Off the Couch

Author(s): Haven Kimmel

Location(s): Indiana, Mooreland

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): early 2000s

In this sequel to the top-selling A Girl Named Zippy, the woman rising heroically from the couch is Zippy’s mother, Delonda. After years of languorous existence, this oversized couch potato emerged from the den to pursue a higher education. Delonda was well read but in other ways seemed ill suited for college: This middle-aged, 260-pound coed had a husband who disapproved of the entire venture, no driver’s license, and almost no money. Like its predecessor, She Got Up Off the Couchholds our attention with its sympathetic rendering of idiosyncratic family characters. Hilarious; heartbreaking; ultimately empowering.

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