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Stranger, Visitor, Foreigner, Guest

Stranger, Visitor, Foreigner, Guest

Author(s): Elizabeth Porter

Location(s): Tanzania, Zanzibar

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Early 19th Century /Late 20th Century



Stranger Visitor Foreigner Guest is the story of a collision of worlds and the ways in which westerners interact and impact on an extraordinary social and political arena.

At the heart of the novel are the true events of the Bushiri war. Lucy, is a would-be missionary in East Africa in the early 19th century. Sasha is a young American water engineer in Tanzania today. He is making a life for himself and he has fallen in love with Grace.

As we listen to Lucy and Sasha telling their stories, it becomes clear that no action is ever without consequences, even a hundred years down the line

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This book is set in Zanzibar and Tanganyika in the 19th and later 20th centuries and explores the lives of two very different people, who visit East Africa. (From Wikipedia: Tanganyika, historical eastern African state that...

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