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Stuff: Curious Everyday STUFF That Helps Our Planet

Stuff: Curious Everyday STUFF That Helps Our Planet

Author(s): Maddie Moate, Paul Boston (Illustrator)

Location(s): World

Genre(s): Children

Era(s): N/A

Do you ever wonder where your stuff comes from, and what happens to it when you’re finished with it?

From CBBC presenter Maddie Moate: a collection of incredible stories about STUFF!

Did you know that you can make paper out of elephant poo? And plastic packaging out of seaweed? And did you know that if you throw away an old T-shirt, it can take 200 years to break down?

This book is full of mind-bursting facts and EXTRAORDINARY stories of the ingenious ways people around the world, and across history, have made, used and reused the stuff around them.

Packed with incredible facts about everyday objects, this book will keep young readers busy for hours!

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