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Tall Bones

Tall Bones

Author(s): Anna Bailey

Location(s): Colorado

Genre(s): Psychological Thriller

Era(s): Contemporary



When seventeen-year-old Emma leaves her best friend Abi at a party in the woods, she believes, like most girls her age, that their lives are just beginning. Many things will happen that night, but Emma will never see her friend again.

Abi’s disappearance cracks open the façade of the small town of Whistling Ridge, its intimate history of long-held grudges and resentment. Even within Abi’s family, there are questions to be asked – of Noah, the older brother whom Abi betrayed, of Jude, the shining younger sibling who hides his battle scars, of Dolly, her mother and Samuel, her father – both in thrall to the fire and brimstone preacher who holds the entire town in his grasp. Then there is Rat, the outsider, whose presence in the town both unsettles and excites those around him.

Anything could happen in Whistling Ridge, this tinder box of small-town rage, and all it will take is just one spark – the truth of what really happened that night out at the Tall Bones….

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Author: Tina Hartas

Tall Bones by Anna Bailey, psychological thriller set in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Tall Bones is set in a place that epitomises the unpleasant side of small town America. There is a homophobic, racist,...

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