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Tell Them My Name

Tell Them My Name

Author(s): Laura Maya

Location(s): Europe, Nepal

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): Contemporary

Dar Kumari is an indigenous Gurung woman living in the Nepali Himalayas with her elderly husband, Nar Bahadur. Their mud-brick house is in a remote farming village that has no electricity and can only be reached on foot. Their lives are turned upside down when a local NGO sends the Australian author, Laura, and her French husband, David, to live with their family while they help build the mountain’s first library.

Dar Kumari adopts the newcomers as if they were her children, but she’s baffled this married couple show no interest in having a baby and can’t even cook rice over a fire or clean a mud floor. Eventually, Laura and David invite their Nepali ‘parents’ to travel with them back to Europe-maybe if they experience the other side of their cultural differences, it might help them understand each other better? For one month this quirky international family travel together through six countries exploring the differences between their cultures and the places they call home.

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