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The Amber Shadows

The Amber Shadows

Author(s): Lucy Ribchester

Location(s): Bletchley

Genre(s): Mystery

Era(s): 1940s



On a delayed train, deep in the English countryside, two strangers meet. It is 1942 and they are both men of fighting age, though neither is in uniform. As strangers do in these days of war, they pass the time by sharing their stories. But walls have ears and careless talk costs lives…
At Bletchley Park, Honey Deschamps spends her days at a type-x machine in Hut 6, transcribing decrypted signals from the German Army. One winter’s night, as she walks home in the blackout, she meets a stranger in the shadows. He tells her his name is Felix, and he has a package for her.
The parcel, containing a small piece of amber, postmarked from Russia and branded with two censor’s stamps, is just the first of several. Someone is trying to get a message to her, but who? As a dangerous web weaves ever tighter around her, can Honey uncover who is sending these mysterious packages and why before it’s too late…?

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Another good read to gen up on Bletchley Park – the other one I enjoyed was Fall of Man in Wilmslow (the Death and Life of Alan Turing) – novel set in Wilmslow and Bletchley,

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