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The Break

The Break

Author(s): Lars D H Hedbor

Location(s): Nova Scotia

Genre(s): Historical, Fiction

Era(s): Revolutionary

Even the most familiar stories have two sides…
After fleeing revolutionary violence in colonial Massachusetts, Susannah Mills is trying to put the pieces of her shattered life back together. When the safe haven that she and her father sought in Nova Scotia is threatened, they must put everything on the line in support of their King and country.

The Break is Hedbor’s Nova-Scotia volume in the Tales From a Revolution series, told from the unfamiliar perspective of those who opposed the revolution against England. In each of these standalone novels, he examines the American War of Independence as it unfolded in a different colony. If you like compelling characters who let you see familiar events from unexpected viewpoints, you’ll love The Break.

Read The Break today and see the American Revolution from a completely different perspective!

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