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The Child Thief

The Child Thief

Author(s): Dan Smith

Location(s): Ukraine

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): 1930s



From out of the whiteness, a dark figure comes…

December, 1930, Ukraine. After the horrors of war, Luka wants a quiet life with his family. His village has, so far, remained hidden from the advancing Soviet brutality – but everything changes the day a stranger arrives, pulling a sled bearing a terrible cargo: the bodies of two children. When the villagers’ fear turns deadly, they think they have saved themselves. And then a little girl vanishes.

Luka is the only man with the skills to find the stolen child in these frozen lands. And though his toughest enemy is the man he tracks through the harsh winter landscape, his strongest bond is a promise to his family back home…

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A terrific book with an original setting … works both as a compelling thriller, in which readers are drawn into Luka’s confrontation with the mysterious child thief, and as the story of one...

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