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The Clepsydra Stopped

The Clepsydra Stopped

Author(s): Ashley Prowse

Location(s): England, Zanzibar

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Era(s): Modern



A young woman living in Zanzibar meets an older, married man on a visit. The attraction is strong and mutual: she seduces him, but he is a willing victim. They embark on a brief but passionate affair that marks them both deeply, but when the time comes for Anton to leave Africa there is much anguish. Plans to meet again in London go awry and Anton finds himself confronting questions about himself and his relationship with his lover, while she too grapples with the demons of her past and the dilemmas of the present. As for the future, all is not what it seems: love and promises, deceit and despair pervade this love story with a twist, holding the reader to the very last page.

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I was blown away: to the sights and odours of Zanzibar which infuse the story; to the sounds of Sam’s bar where the narrator, a development worker with French and Canadian roots, hangs out...

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