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The Olive Grove

The Olive Grove

Author(s): Eva Glyn

Location(s): Korčula

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary



Antonia Butler is on the brink of a life-changing decision and a job advert looking for a multilingual housekeeper at a beautifully renovated Croatian farmhouse, Vila Maslina, is one she can’t ignore.

Arriving on the tiny picturesque island of Korčula, Antonia feels a spark of hope for the first time in a long time. This is a chance to leave the past behind.

But this island, and its inhabitants, have secrets of their own and a not-too-distant past steeped in tragedy and war. None more so than Vila Maslina’s enigmatic owner Damir Maric. A young man with nothing to lose but everything to gain…

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Author: Tina Hartas

Antonia is seeing her boss, a married man, and they both work together at Mediterranean Gems in Sussex, an agency that sources and then rents out beautiful villas in and around the Mediterranean. It’s...

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