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The Parisian’s Return

The Parisian’s Return

Author(s): Julia Stagg

Location(s): The Pyrenees

Genre(s): Romance

Era(s): Modern



When Stephanie brains an intruder with a stale baguette, she doesn’t realise she has assaulted the new owner of the village grocery. Parisian-exile Fabian’s welcome goes from bad to worse as his attempts to drag the shop into the modern age are met with a resounding non!by the residents of the small commune of Fogas in the French Pyrenees. He is on the verge of admitting defeat when he’s hit by a coup de foudre and falls in love.

Stephanie herself is too busy for l’amour. Working at l’Auberge and getting her garden centre off the ground is taking all her energy. She doesn’t even notice that her daughter Chloe has something on her mind. Troubled by a sinister stranger she has seen loitering in the village, Chloe has no one to turn to. Her only hope is that someone hears her cries for help before it’s all too late.

In a chanson d’amour with more twists than a mountain road, the unexpected is just around the corner.

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A follow on from l’Auberge in this book we learn a lot more about the local area, the people who live there and the roads that zig-zag around the locale – Beatrice Croner –

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