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The Poison Tree

The Poison Tree

Author(s): Erin Kelly

Location(s): London

Genre(s): Crime

Era(s): 1990s

I have given up so much and done so many terrible things already for the sake of my family that I can only keep going.

I do not know what is going to happen to us.

I am frightened, but I feel strong.

I have the strength of a woman who has everything to lose.

In the sweltering summer of 1997, strait-laced, straight-A student Karen
met Biba – a bohemian and impossibly glamorous aspiring actress.

She was quickly drawn into Biba’s world, and for a while life was one long summer of love.

But every summer must end. By the end of theirs, two people were dead – and now Karen’s past has come back to haunt her . . .

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