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The Samana Incident

The Samana Incident

Author(s): Keith Dahlberg

Location(s): Papua New Guinea

Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller

Era(s): early 21st century

“THE SAMANA INCIDENT” is a microcosm of bigtime modern drug dealing, and a sequel to “FLAME TREE,” continuing the adventures of Dr. George and Vienna Daniels.
Lieutenant Jason Kerro is an honest cop in a corrupt system, trying to stop a gang of gunrunners and meth dealers from taking control of tribes in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. When his captain forbids him to investigate an armed attack on the town of Samana, he suspects the captain is among those taking payoff s from the smugglers.
Prevented from working through police channels but unwilling to give up what promises to be the biggest case of his career, Kerro risks his job, and perhaps his life, for his country by enlisting a team of amateurs to secretly gather the evidence he needs. But will they be able to act in time?

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