Supernatural thriller set around the WORLD
The Sixpenny Orphan

Location(s): Ryhope
Genre(s): Fiction, Historical
Era(s): Early 20th Century
‘Please, sir, take us both. We only have each other. We don’t know how to live apart.’
After the death of their parents, sisters Poppy and Rose are taken in by widow Nellie Harper. But whilst they have a roof over their heads, the young orphans are unloved, unwanted, and always hungry, with only one pair of boots between them. Keen to make money, Nellie hatches a plan to sell the girls to the mysterious Mr Scurrfield. But when the day comes for them to leave, Scurrfield reveals he will take only one of the sisters – and he will decide which it will be on the turn of a sixpence.
Ten years later, Poppy is married with three children. Not a day goes by when she doesn’t think about Rose, but after many years of searching, Poppy has accepted that her sister is lost to her. That is until a letter suddenly arrives, revealing Rose’s fate and breaking Poppy’s heart. Determined to be reunited with her beloved sister, Poppy sets out to bring Rose home.
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