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The Torrents of Spring

The Torrents of Spring

Author(s): Ernest Hemingway

Location(s): Chicago, Illinois

Genre(s): Fiction, Satire

Era(s): 1926

First published in 1926, The Torrents of Spring is a hilarious parody of the Chicago school of literature. Poking fun at that “great race” of writers, it depicts a vogue that Hemingway himself refused to follow. In style and substance, The Torrents of Spring is a burlesque of Sherwood Anderson’s Dark Laughter, but in the course of the narrative, other literary tendencies associated with American and British writers akin to Anderson — such as D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, and John Dos Passos — come in for satirical comment. A highly entertaining story, The Torrents of Spring offers a rare glimpse into Hemingway’s early career as a storyteller and stylist.

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