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Three men on motorcycles

Three men on motorcycles

Author(s): Ketan Joshi

Location(s): Ladakh

Genre(s): Travelogue

Era(s): Modernn

‘Let’s go for a ride!’ This was the clarion call for Royal Enfield riders, but where should we go? Bharathi (the wife) – She Who Must Be Obeyed – sneers at our puny destination plans and orders us to ride to Ladakh forthwith! – Go where Roads are Roads and Men are Men! We dare not disobey – so off we go on the most iconic ride that India has to offer – without any group, back-up, plans, preparations, or any good sense. Just we three Amigos on our motorcycles. We cross the mighty mountains and ride the highest passes with ‘She’ in hot pursuit! The whole of Ladakh quakes in fear of her cyber-nagging and astral-nagging as she chivvies us along and ensures that we do not only Srinagar-Leh-Manali, but also explore offbeat destinations like Zanskar, Nubra, etc. Join us on our rollicking ride! This is the funniest and most enjoyable ride story that you will ever read.

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