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Three Women

Three Women

Author(s): Lisa Taddeo

Location(s): North Dakota, Indiana, Rhode Island

Genre(s): Biography

Era(s): Contemporary



All Lina wanted was to be desired. How did she end up in a marriage with two children and a husband who wouldn’t touch her?

All Maggie wanted was to be understood. How did she end up in a relationship with her teacher and then in court, a hated pariah in her small town?

All Sloane wanted was to be admired. How did she end up a sexual object of men, including her husband, who liked to watch her have sex with other men and women?

Three Women is a record of unmet needs, unspoken thoughts, disappointments, hopes and unrelenting obsessions.

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Author: tripfiction

This is a quasi sociological telling of the lives of three different women, all with different stories to tell and all rooted in their sexual relations with men. The author says at the back...

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