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When in Rome

When in Rome

Author(s): Penelope Green

Location(s): Rome

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): Modern



With her thirtieth birthday on the horizon and her safe and comfortable life in Sydney outside her front door, Penelope Green decided it was now or never. Undaunted by the fact she spoke absolutely no Italian, had no job, no friends and nowhere to live – and armed only with an Italian-English dictionary, irresistible optimism and a fair dash of bravery, she was determined to carve out her own slice of la dolce vita.

Both frank and funny, Penny tells how she plunged into the deep end of Roman life from her first giddy Vespa ride to daily struggles with the language and culture (not to mention a few lecherous locals), to seeing in her birthday with a kiss from her lover under the floodlit Colosseum.

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Serafina finds her way into the household of Mario Lanza, recently arrived in Rome. In fact, her task is to enable her younger sister to sing for him, as she has a beautiful voice,...

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For anyone planning a visit to Rome, or just interested in the Vatican and its history, this really is a must read! Delightful and informative – Jess Brian –

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Green deserves to be congratulated on her bravery and candour… and her descriptions of Rome are so vivid you can almost smell the coffee. (SUN HERALD )

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