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Winters in the South

Winters in the South

Author(s): Norbert Gstrein

Location(s): Argentina, Buenos Aires, Croatia

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Late 20th Century



As ethnic tensions escalate into war, Marija returns in confusion to her native Croatia – call it a mid-life crisis. She soon takes up with a young soldier, but her age does not give her the least power over him. On the other side of the world, her estranged father is gearing up to enter the fray, raising the cash to raise an army. Exiled to Argentina, he has been waiting for this moment since 1945. But war is a young man’s game, and even his closest comrades cannot be trusted. If the Old Man is to meet his daughter again it will be in a world altered beyond his understanding, where the only soldiers he commands are in his head.

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The main part of the story is set in 1991, when war breaks out in Yugoslavia, but also Argentina and Austria, and how WW2 still permeates peoples’ lives, across frontiers and oceans…

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