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Wittgenstein Jr

Wittgenstein Jr

Author(s): Lars Lyer

Location(s): Cambridge

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



Lars Iyer returns with his most accessible novel yet: Wittgenstein Jr. is the nickname Peters and his gang of fellow Philosophy undergrads give to their lecturer; a brooding, complicated, melancholic academic who is determined to make them grasp the very essence of philosophical thought. But the students are too busy getting drunk on lethal homemade cocktails, falling in and out of love, and coming to terms with the life waiting for them after Cambridge. As Wittgenstein Jr. becomes more withdrawn and depressive, the students come to realise how much he needs them.

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A curious yet intelligent book. It is a 360 degree view of Cambridge – the life, the University, and yes, there are parallels with the life of Wittgenstein in the city!

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