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The Tears of Monterini

The Tears of Monterini
  • Author(s): Amanda Weinberg
  • Location(s): Emilia Romagna, Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Historical, Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): 20th century

Monterini, Italy. 1921. Yacobo Levi, an intellectual dreamer, works in the family bookshop. Angelo Ghione, a contadino, makes good wine by singing to the grapes. Lifetime best friends, their Jewish and Catholic families live side by side amidst a...

The Temptation of Gracie

The Temptation of Gracie
  • Author(s): Santa Montefiore
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): contemporary

Never give up on your dreams, no matter how long you hold on to them . . . When Gracie Burton stumbles upon an advertisement for a week-long cookery course in the heart of the Tuscan countryside,she cannot resist,...

The Three Graces

The Three Graces
  • Author(s): Amanda Craig
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): Contemporary

When Enzo shoots an illegal migrant from his bedroom one night, it triggers a series of events that embroil old and young, rich and poor, native and foreign. His elderly neighbours Ruth, Diana and Marta are three friends who...

The Tuscan Child

The Tuscan Child
  • Author(s): Rhys Bowen
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): 1940s & 1970s

In 1944, British bomber pilot Hugo Langley parachuted from his stricken plane into the verdant fields of German-occupied Tuscany. Badly wounded, he found refuge in a ruined monastery and in the arms of Sofia Bartoli. But the love that...

The Tuscan Girl

The Tuscan Girl
  • Author(s): Angela Petch
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Historical, Fiction
  • Era(s): Present looking back WW2

Present day: When her fiancé is tragically killed in an accident, twenty-six-year-old Alba is convinced she’s to blame. Heavy with grief and guilt, she flees to her childhood home – the tiny village of Rofelle, nestled in a remote...

The Tuscan Secret

The Tuscan Secret
  • Author(s): Angela Petch
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Historical
  • Era(s): WW2, contemporary

Mulino. An old crumbling mill, by a winding river, nestled in the Tuscan mountains. An empty home that holds memories of homemade pasta and Nonna’s stories by the fire, and later: the Nazi invasion, and a family torn apart...

The Viper

The Viper
  • Author(s): Christobel Kent
  • Location(s): Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Crime, Mystery
  • Era(s): Modern

Sandro Cellini faces his demons… Sandro Cellini hasn’t set foot in La Vipera, a derelict farmhouse just outside Florence that was once home to a free-living commune, for forty years – until the discovery of two bodies nearby leads...

The Winemakers

The Winemakers
  • Author(s): Jan Moran
  • Location(s): California, Tuscany
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): Contemporary

A young woman A family secret A devastating truth that could destroy the man she loves Many years ago, the Rosetta family s hard-won dreams of staking their claim in the vineyards of California came to fruition. Now high-spirited,...

Things We Choose To Hide

Things We Choose To Hide
  • Author(s): Jane Riddell
  • Location(s): Florence, Delhi, Kashmir, Positano
  • Genre(s): Romance
  • Era(s): Contemporary

After ending a long-term relationship, Rachel Grosvenor goes to stay with friends in Florence, where she meets the attractive Sicilian businessman, Tommaso. Despite her friends’ concerns, she marries him weeks later, only to learn at the end of their...

Three Days in Florence

Three Days in Florence
  • Author(s): Chrissie Manby
  • Location(s): Florence
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): contemporary

Kathy Courage has never visited the famous Italian city of Florence before, so she’s thrilled when she and her boyfriend Neil are invited there for a wedding. Unfortunately, with Neil’s constant complaining and his teenage children in tow, it’s...

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