Blogs in September 2020

Footprints of the Outsider 28th September 2020

This is the story of the life of Abudu Olwit, and of Teboke, the village where he is born and raised. In Teboke, two Indians build a cotton ginnery, and recruit workers from Sudan and the Congo to operate...

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The Teeth May Smile But the Heart Does Not Forget: Murder and Memory in Uganda 28th September 2020

From Rwanda to Sierra Leone, African countries recovering from tyranny and war are facing an impossible dilemma: to overlook past atrocities for the sake of peace or to seek catharsis through tribunals and truth commissions. Uganda chose the path...

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The Invisible Weevil 28th September 2020

The author is a celebrated columnist, a former literature lecturer, and the founder of Uganda Women Writers’ Association. She is also a playwright and has published children’s literature. This novel is a fictionalised record of Uganda’s past tragic national...

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Aboke Girls. Children Abducted in Northern Uganda 28th September 2020

In October 1996, one hundred and thirty nine girls were abducted from St Mary’s College, in northern Uganda. In an act of extraordinary courage, Sister Rachele, the Italian deputy headmistress, followed the abductors. Her journey took her to the...

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Beatrice’s Goat 28th September 2020

More than anything, Beatrice longs to be a schoolgirl. But in her small African village, only children who can afford uniforms and books can go to school. Beatrice knows that with six children to care for, her family is...

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