Blogs in February 2015

One Thousand Chestnut Trees 22nd February 2015

Uncle Hong-do arrives in Vermont from Korea to see the sister he has never met, a concert violinist long settled in America. His colourful visit turns his teenage niece Anna’s world upside down, disrupting her cosy existence with his...

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A Second Chance 15th January 2015

A plane touches down in South Korea and Grace Carmichael steps off it into an unknown and challenging world. The fast moving pace of life in Seoul is both scary and exhilarating. Her new job as an English teacher...

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The Iron Sickle 2nd October 2014

Early one rainy morning, the head of the 8th United States Army Claims Office in Seoul, South Korea, is brutally murdered by a Korean man in a trench coat carrying a small iron sickle hidden in his sleeve. The...

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Meeting Mr Kim: Or How I went to Korea and learned to love Kimchi 1st January 1970

In 2000, the author’s boyfriend secured a three month gig in Seoul, South Korea. Jennifer acoompanies him, finds Seoul a challenge and starts to explore the country.

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Please Look after Mother 1st January 1970

Literally translated from the Korean, the title means “I entrust Mother to you”. In this book a mother goes missing in Seoul and her family (daughter, son and husband) is left trying to find her. The narrative, as the...

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