Blogs in December 2022

Warrior Girl Unearthed 14th December 2022

Perry Firekeeper-Birch’s lazy summer plans have been thwarted. Her no-nonsense Aunt Daunis has made her take a job at the local museum. But when Perry learns about “Warrior Girl”, a Native American ancestor whose bones are stored in the...

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The Hunting Wind 4th November 2020

Before he became a private investigator, before he served in the Detroit police, and long before he retreated to the wintry reaches of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Alex McKnight played ball in the minor leagues. He doesn’t spend much time...

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Die a Stranger 4th November 2020

Late one night, a plane lands on a deserted airstrip. Five dead bodies are found there the next morning. And now Vinnie LeBlanc is missing. Vinnie is a member of the Ojibwa Indian tribe and he just might be...

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North of Nowhere 4th November 2020

Summer has finally arrived in Paradise, Michigan, but Alex McKnight doesn’t seem to notice the change in the weather. He’s been retreating into own his private world the past few months and now he barely leaves his cabin except...

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Trapped 4th November 2020

TERRIFIED… It was supposed to be a harmless camping trip. Six wayward teenagers who’d run into trouble with the law, and their court-appointed guardians, Sara and Martin Randhurst. Three nights on a small, deserted island off of Michigan’s upper...

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