An extraordinary journey through exotic locations and the writers inner mind.

  • Book: Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary
  • Location: Caribbean, The Bahamas, The South Seas, United States (USA)
  • Author: Liesbet Collaert

Review Author: Simon Michael Prior



After I had downloaded ‘Plunge’ early one morning, I thought “I’ll just have a quick look at the first chapter before I start work.” By 9.30am I still hadn’t opened my laptop or even had breakfast and I had read almost a quarter of it. ‘Plunge’ is a compelling read and I had finished it in 3 days. Liesbet takes us on two concurrent travelling journeys, an exciting voyage sailing through islands in the Caribbean and Pacific that, unless you have your own sailboat, you will never see. And in the second, parallel journey Liesbet wears her heart on her sleeve, big time, it is the journey through her mind and her soul. She lets us in to her innermost thoughts, the sections in italics were never meant for anyone else but her to know. Her relationships, both real and desired, her anxiety about her own and her companions’ medical concerns, business worries, money worries. I wish I could have been at some of the events described, her writing grounds the reader in the scenes. Sometimes, I laughed out loud, other times I had a lump in my throat. This book deserves to be on the shelves alongside such great sailing memoirs as ‘The Sea was our Village’ by Miles Smeeton and ‘Desperate Voyage’ by John Caldwell.

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