Author makes the incredible seem credible

  • Book: The Travelers
  • Location: World
  • Author: Chris Pavone

Review Author: JSAauthor



The Travelers is a well-plotted, stylish, sophisticated, fast-paced thriller that makes the incredible seem credible. It’s about an average Joe who makes his living as a travel writer. In the beginning of the novel, he gets caught up in extraordinary circumstances and spends the rest of the time trying to get out. No one is who they seem and no one can be trusted.
It’s a truly global thriller; its main characters taking a whirlwind tour of Europe, South America and the East Coast, with a final confrontation in Iceland.
I’m really drawn to Chris Pavone’s style, and a touch envious. He sucks you in from the get go and writes the kind of book I prefer to read in one or two sittings (when possible) because I like to get caught up in his characters’ adventures and the sometimes surprising plot twists. Having read all three of his books, I am in awe of his style, his compact descriptions of place and plot, without going literary. These books stay true to the thriller genre.
I thoroughly enjoyed this and his first book, Expats, and highly recommend either.

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