The beach scenes made me yearn to visit this area again
- Book: I Let You Go
- Location: Gower Peninsula
- Author: Clare Mackintosh
Set, mostly, in the Gower Peninsula (referred to as a fictional place called Penfach) – this shows Wales at its best, in the winter, when the beaches are quiet and the tourists have gone home. The beach scenes made me yearn to visit this area again.
However, the first half of the book I felt was predictable, and though moving and shocking, a little tedious UNTIL the last sentences in Part 1, when there is a sudden twist, and all the predictability turns out to have been a red herring. Then Part 2 gallops along, totally compelling, full of twists and excitement. Although the violence depicted was too much for me (I get upset at anything more than a brief reference to violence), it was totally in keeping with the storyline, and I found I could not put the book down. I can see why, having got through the first half, this gripping psychological thriller is selling so well, but I shall be looking for something a little more gentle for my next read.