A captivating and engrossing read
- Book: The Shogun’s Queen: The Shogun Quartet #1
- Location: Japan
- Author: Lesley Downer
The Shogun’s Queen provides a fascinating history of Japan as seen through the eyes of a highly placed woman in the age of the shogun, in a time when Westerners were encroaching on the island, forcing Japan to open its tightly sealed borders to foreign traders and settlers.
Rich in detail, the author creates a world of princesses, shoguns and emperors that lives and breathes. There is plenty of intrigue and back door politics. The preparations for war and tactics used by the Japanese to defend themselves are also well described. As a Dutch citizen, it was also interesting to learn more about the relationship between Japan and the Netherlands from a Japanese perspective.
A captivating and engrossing read, The Shogun’s Queen is the perfect book for readers interested in Japanese culture and history.