Finding A Safe Harbour
- Book: Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary
- Location: Caribbean, The Bahamas, The South Seas, United States (USA)
- Author: Liesbet Collaert
Liesbet Collaert and her partner chose a mooring rather than a mortgage, when they sailed off with their two beloved dogs, to live a life less ordinary.
A four-week voyage by ship as a child was enough to put this reviewer off the sea for life. Even though we got to see other-worldly places, my version of paradise is one where I can keep the ground firmly beneath my feet.
I read memoirs to immerse myself in a lifestyle that I couldn’t imagine ever doing myself. And for this reason, I was drawn to Plunge. Liesbet had no sailing experience when she set off, and it was her bravery and stoicism to face off some terrifying-sounding seas kept me gripped.
As engaging as the travel adventures are in this book, there’s more to it than that. It’s equally a story of navigating a life partnership—from dealing with the emotions of living in a confined space to the practical. How do you find a patch of dry land to exercise your dogs twice a day?
It’s hard enough dealing with the sorrows that life inevitably brings on dry land—but imagine the challenge when all at sea. Liesbet rejoices in the upsides—from magical wildlife encounters to making lifelong friends with fellow sailors. But equally, she’s as candid with the downsides to her lifestyle. Nor is she afraid to bare her soul, even when presenting a less than perfect version of herself to the outside world. And that is as courageous as facing off any stormy sea. As I finished reading, I reflected that much of life’s journey is about finding a safe harbour no matter which path you choose.
Highly recommended.
I received a free copy of this book.