..I say, “Bravo.”

  • Book: Surviving Raine
  • Location: Caribbean
  • Author: Shay Savage

Review Author: amandasheila



I loved this book. Gosh, to see how much I cried and scared for Bastian and Raine’s life. *shudder*

Bastian (Daniel at first) is the captain of his ship, The Oblation, well at least up until one not-that-big storm sweep his ship and destroyed it to pieces. He barely survive himself when he saw a body floating close to him. Fighting waves, winds and awfully painful water, he grab the body and realize that it’s a girl. Meet Raine. Now, trapped in a small lifeboat, their battle of surviving has begun..

I enjoyed Bastian’s snappy attitude. He’s charming in a rough way and somehow I liked it. The situation that Bastian and Raine has been through is scary and I can’t picture myself in their situation because, trust me, I would have died. I also loved that Savage could describe Bastian’s craving for alcohol in a very realistic way. Recovering alcoholics are always have this struggle inside them and I understand reading it even though I never had experience about it before.

To read something fictional and somehow very realistic, like this book, really shook me to the core. I have this introverted tendencies where I just can’t go outside and mingle because I don’t like being surrounded by people I don’t know. I’d rather stay inside my room, in front of my laptop with books beside me. And that’s why reading this book is a brand new experience to me and definitely freaking me out inside.

In a way, I also find this book quite romantic and Shay Savage’s style of writing is, gosh, beautiful. It’s my first book of hers and I’ll gladly read another. Bravo!

*finished this book on September 22, 2014*

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