Stories of love

  • Book: One Cornish Summer
  • Location: Cornwall
  • Author: Liz Fenwick

Review Author: hlmcneill



Hebe was my favourite character in this book and the way that her failing memory was intertwined with the story worked really well. It really made me think about getting older, and I found it very emotional. I didn’t take to Lucy so quickly but she grew on me, as I think was the intention. By the end I was very emotionally involved with the characters and hoping for a good outcome for all of them. I stayed up late to finish the last few pages as I couldn’t wait until the next night.
The historical element was cleverly used and gave character to the house which helped me picture it in Cornwall. The location of the book is mostly around the house and a nearby village so it would be great to read on a quiet rural costal holiday.

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