The sea, the sea

  • Book: Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary
  • Location: Caribbean, The Bahamas, The South Seas, United States (USA)
  • Author: Liesbet Collaert

Review Author: Anabel



I read this book recently having come across Liesbet via her blog. It’s a frankly written memoir which covers both a range of amazing locations and the story of a relationship, with all its ups and downs. I have never, and definitely will never, travel on a small sailing boat or abandon the security of my safe lifestyle, but that’s the beauty of books like this. You can read how others did it and live vicariously through them: Liesbet’s adventurous story draws you in. I have never been to the Caribbean either, but it’s more likely that I will get there some day, especially having read Leisbet’s enticing descriptions. Just on a bigger boat.

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