Thriller set in Bristol and the Gower Peninsula (the “twist” is what everyone is talking about)
- Book: I Let You Go
- Location: Gower Peninsula
- Author: Clare Mackintosh
We are late coming to the #ILetYouGo party. However, it has been worth attending! The “twist” is what everyone is talking about, and yes, I too got caught out by it and didn’t see it coming!
The story starts out with a hit and run accident and Jacob, a young child fresh out of school that day, is killed. He had happily been skipping along anticipating milk; biscuit; twenty minutes of television, fish fingers for tea…. a heart stopping opener.
The investigating duo of Kate and Ray arrive on the scene and as the book develops they rub along in an amicable working environment. For me, their relationship was not the strong point of the book, they are chatty, they work long hours, go to the pub, but the way their friendship pans out lacks building blocks.
Jenna’s world imploded on the day of the accident and she takes herself off to fictional Penfach on the Gower Peninsula where she tries to rebuild her life. The locals are initially supportive and she builds a small business photographing the sea and the beach, where she carefully writes messages for those who pay her to do it. It’s a small income, she has virtually nothing now and lives in a run-down cottage that probably no-one else would rent.
One of the strands running through this is a relationship where domestic violence and abuse begins to rear its ugly head and the author tackles this invidious dynamic with insight and credulity. Below we have Comment from a couple counsellor…
British seaside life is well depicted, the long stretches of rolling waves washing up on the sand, the grey skies brightening into Summer. I could really imagine myself walking along the beach and the oftentimes wild and barren outcrops above, with the wind whistling and a dog at my heals, very, very British.
This review first appeared on our blog where, in addition, we have expert comment on the domestic abuse thread that runs through book.