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Author(s): Tom Bullough

Location(s): Ryazan

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): 1867



It is 1867 and winter in Ryazan, a city on the banks of the Oka River in Central Russia. Konstantin is ten years old. His days are full of dreams of flight – to Moscow, even to the silent stars. But then, one day, he catches cold in the freezing woods near his home and his own world becomes silent. Left deaf by scarlet fever, his outlook is desperate. Only his fascination with a newly mechanised age and his astonishing visions of humanity’s future seem to offer him any sort of hope.

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Konstantin, Tom Bullough’s brilliant, inspirational novel, tells the extraordinary story, based on a real-life character, of the first man to reveal how travel into space might be possible. It is a story of man,...

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