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A Reluctant Warrior

Author(s): Kelly Brooke Nicholls

Location(s): Buenaventura

Era(s): Modern

A gripping novel that gives readers a rare glimpse into Colombia’s notorious drug wars, told by someone who knows the landscape intimately.

When Luzma’s brother Jair unwittingly uncovers the plan by Colombia’s most notorious drug cartel to smuggle an unprecedented cocaine shipment into the US, it puts their family in grave danger.
Jair’s kidnapping by the cartel forces Luzma to go face to face with vicious paramilitary leader, El Cubano, and General Ordonez, ruthless head of the military – men who will stop at nothing to protect their empires.

But for Luzma, nothing is more important than saving her family – not even her own life.

Kelly Brooke Nicholls worked in human rights in Colombia for a number of years. Although the story and characters in A Reluctant Warrior are fictitious, they are based on events she witnessed first hand and her interviews with thousands of victims of paramilitaries, guerrillas and drug cartels. She wrote this book to celebrate and support the brave people in Colombia who risk their lives to protect and make a difference to others.

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