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Author(s): Jason Webster

Location(s): Andalusia (Andalucía)

Genre(s): Travelogue

Era(s): Modern

As Islam and the West prepare to clash once again, Jason Webster embarks on a quest to discover Spain’s hidden Moorish legacy and lift the lid on a country once forged by both Muslims and Christians. He meets Zine, a young illegal immigrant from Morocco, a twenty-first century Moor, lured over with the promise of a job but exploited as a slave labourer on a fruit farm. Jason’s life is threatened as he investigates the agricultural gulag, Zine rescues him, and the unlikely pair of writer and desperado take off on a rollercoaster ride through Andalucía.

While Jason unveils the neglected Arab ancestry of modern Spain – apparent in its food, language, people and culture – Zine sets out on his own parallel quest, a one-man peace mission to resolve Muslim-Christian tensions by proving irresistible to Spanish señoritas.


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