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Concentration Camps of Canada

Concentration Camps of Canada

Author(s): Baron Alexander Deschauer, Lucky Deschauer

Location(s): Canada

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Early to mid 20th Century



Imagine a world where everyone lives in harmony. A world where square miles of farmland are given to settlers in exchange for them agreeing to move there. A world of freedom, laws, and opportunity.

That world is Canada, then and now.

Unknown to the world and its citizens, that same government waged a genocidal war against its Indigenous peoples—never granting them ownership of land they freely gave to European settlers. A war that was fought in residential schools as they stripped Indigenous peoples of their language, culture, and pride. So successful was this method that Adolf Hitler used it as the model for his own concentration camps in Nazi Germany.

This is the story of a young boy growing up in that world, determined to be a man in a system that only saw him as an Indian.

Migizi’s story.

Based on the truth.

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Author: tripfiction

The title is misleading and – dare one say it – intended to shock. It is said by the authors (but disputed by others) that Hitler gained his ‘inspiration’ for the concentration camps in...

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