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Crucian Fusion

Crucian Fusion

Author(s): Apple Gidley

Location(s): US Virgin Islands

Genre(s): Essays, Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary

Crucian Fusion is a collection of fact and fiction that speaks to the rich history as well as present day St Croix, the largest of the US Virgin Islands.
It is a book to be dipped into – over coffee or maybe a rum, at the beach, as the sun rises or sets. Provoked by thoughts, good and bad, the essays tell of nearly nine years on island. The conversations are with some of the characters who live here. People who have contributed, by their endeavours, to the fabric of Crucian society whether through the arts and culture, music, farming or education. And the short stories, well, they are pure fiction although a couple are based on historical events and the Census of 1846.
Crucian Fusion is for anyone interested in this spectacular part of the Caribbean.

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