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Have You Eaten Rice Today?

Have You Eaten Rice Today?

Author(s): Apple Gidley

Location(s): Australia, England, Malaysia (Malaya)

Genre(s): Historical, Fiction

Era(s): Dual time 1950s and 2010s

The Emergency rubles through the jungles, the kampongs, and towns as the communist uprising in 1950s Malaya adds poignancy to the salutation, ‘have you eaten rice today?’ when hunger drives some terrorists to surrender.
Simon Frampton returns to Malaya as a rubber planter after failing to settle into civilian life in England after the war. His knowledge of the jungle is again put to use when a war-time covert force is reformed and renamed, Ferret Force, made up of Malays, Chinese and Europeans.
Dee Cunningham, an Australian nurse longing to escape the confines of Townsville, Queensland, joins the British Red Cross to help set u and run rural clinics in Malaya.
The violence of guerrilla warfare becomes the backdrop to their love story, but miscommunication leads to sadness. It is not until sixty years later, when Simon’s grandson Max comes to stay at his Dorset farm, when he finds a box filled with envelopes with Australian stamps, and the truth comes to light.
Have You Eaten Rice Today? is a poignant exploration of Malaya’s violent history, merdeka, and how love is found in unexpected places.

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