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Dead Hill

Author(s): John Dean

Location(s): North Pennines

Genre(s): Crime, Mystery

Era(s): Modern day



A man is killed by being pushed over the edge of a quarry. There is no doubt about who the culprits are, so why can’t DCI Jack Harris lay a finger on them?
Surly and abrasive, veteran detective Harris at times shows more concern for the wildlife in his beloved Pennine Hills than keeping up cordial relations at work. Indeed, when a trio of local criminals try to steal the eggs of a rare bird, Harris treats it almost like a personal insult.
Yet, when two of the criminals descend from the hills into Harris’ snare, rather than the expected three, Harris finds himself with a murder investigation on his hands. It is one that will wrench him out of his rural idyll and back into the gritty criminal underworld.
This novel is set in the fictional town of Levton Bridge nestled in the Pennine Hills in the north of England and based on Alston and the surrounding area. It is the first in a series of titles featuring Jack Harris, all purchased through Amazon.

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