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Death Waits for no Lady

Death Waits for no Lady

Author(s): James Andrew

Location(s): North Yorkshire

Genre(s): Historical, Mystery

Era(s): 1920s

Police are called to a large house after the parlour maid discovers the wealthy owner’s body

The peace of a Yorkshire town is disturbed when one of its most prominent residents is murdered. Inspector Blades and Sergeant Peacock investigate…

With the murder weapon found near the body, the detectives hope that fingerprints will help them discover the killer. But it is clear that they are dealing with a cunning perpetrator who has covered all their tracks. With various leads running into dead ends, the answers will come from understanding the victim’s character and the killer’s motive.

The victim, Lady Evelyn Wright, ran a tight ship at Elmwood Hall, she had the highest of expectations of her servants and made a strong display of moral rectitude. But recently, after the death of her stern father, she had been courting, and several younger men were seen in her company. Any of these, Inspector Blades surmises, might have reason to take advantage of Lady Wright.

However, the investigation centres on one individual in particular, a war veteran and minister of a Spiritualist church, in whom the victim often confided at her home.

Exploring their relationship, Inspector Blades and his trusty sergeant unveil clues that shine light on a shadier side to the victim, and point to other reasons for her death.

When another murder occurs, they must act quickly to stop a ruthless criminal. But have they got the right man?

In a novel that illuminates the changing world of Britain after the Great War, James Andrew has woven an intriguing murder mystery that will keep you guessing until the end.

“If you enjoyed Downton Abbey, you’ll love this murder mystery.”

DEATH WAITS FOR NO LADY is the second book by James Andrew to feature these detectives. Check out the first book, THE BODY UNDER THE SANDS, the third, THE RIDDLE OF THE DUNES, and the fourth, THE SUITCASE MURDERER, available on Kindle and in paperback.

All of these books are FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

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