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Deep As Death

Deep As Death

Author(s): Katja Ivar

Location(s): Helsinki

Genre(s): Crime, Fiction

Era(s): 1960s/Contemporary

The second in a three-book series featuring Hella Mauzer, to follow on the success of Evil Things. A Nordic Noir of the first-order set in Helsinki in 1953. A dark psychological thriller about ruthless ambition, unrequited love and the lies we tell others and ourselves to avoid facing what has become of our lives.

A woman author and a female heroine. A misunderstood, flawed, whip-smart detective, now a P.I, fighting against both prejudice and crime. Hella finds herself at the centre of an investigation of multiple murders that threaten to destroy the reputations of the rich and powerful. Ivar has again succeeded in telling an incredibly gripping story with some of the cast of characters that we fell in love with in Evil Things.

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