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Desert Skies, Rebel Souls

Author(s): M P Tonnesen

Location(s): Egypt, Israel, Jordan

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 1990s



A journey into the unknown. A rebellion against family, culture and society. A love against all odds.

From Scandinavia to the Middle East, a young woman travels to discover herself and finds a world of passion and history, war and peace. A whirlwind romance takes a dramatic turn, leaving Olivia caught between countries, belonging nowhere, and with the love of her life in danger far away.

From the award-winning author of The Cosmopolitan Islander comes an uplifting tale of adventure, conflict and reconciliation that never shies away from brutal reality, yet sparkles with the sheer love of life.

Desert Skies, Rebel Souls is a bittersweet coming-of-age story set under the desert sky against the backdrop of music of the nineties and stunning scenery – to be enjoyed by adventurous globetrotters and readers longing to escape.

“M.P. Tonnesen has created something really beautiful in Desert Skies, Rebel Souls – a flowing, immersive narrative with a warm heart, gorgeous settings and a feeling of youth, optimism and zest for life.”
Freda Warrington, author of the Blood Wine series

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Author: tripfiction

3.75* The novel starts out in late Summer of 1997 and Olivia is off on her travels. First stop is Israel to work on a Kibbutz. Back in Copenhagen she has left her family,...

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