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Dishing the Dirt

Dishing the Dirt

Author(s): Rob Johnson

Location(s): The Peloponnese, Greece

Genre(s): Thriller, Comedy

Era(s): Present day

Careless talk costs lives – and with zero chance of a refund.

Early August in Greece wasn’t ideal for sitting inside a stifling hot camper van to carry out a surveillance operation, but money was tight, and Trevor and Sandra had been in no position to turn down any job that was offered to them.

But a little physical discomfort was nothing compared to what came next. Blackmail, murder and kidnapping had definitely not been on the agenda when wealthy businessman Alexandros Barkas hired them to get evidence of his wife’s infidelity.

And what was the reason for freelance hitman Jimmy MacFarland’s sudden appearance? Was it sheer coincidence or was he intent on wreaking the ultimate revenge on Trevor and Sandra?

“Dishing the Dirt” is the third book in the comedy thriller series “Lifting the Lid”, featuring Sandra Gray, Trevor Hawkins and his incorrigible dog, Milly.

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