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Errant in Iberia

Errant in Iberia

Author(s): Ben Curtis

Location(s): Madrid

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): Modern



A life-changing move to Spain…

This is the inspirational story of moving to a new country with nothing, then really living your dreams.

Turning up in Madrid without a word of Spanish, Ben soon finds a job, beautiful language exchanges, amazing journeys to the depths of Spain, and wild fiestas.

Then he meets Marina, buys a scarily run-down flat in Madrid’s wild Lavapies neighbourhood, and really takes the cultural plunge.

Incomprehensible meals with endless Spanish in-laws, residents’ meetings where not only his flat but his whole livelihood, and sanity, are on the line… Not to mention Medallion Manolo, the hunter-builder from hell…

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This book has a strong narrative and quite beautiful descriptions of Spanish customs and ways of life and all the flavours of Spain. – Chris Hendricks –

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