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Not Forgetting the Whale

Not Forgetting the Whale

Author(s): John Ironmonger

Location(s): Cornwall

Genre(s): Mystery

Era(s): Modern



When a young man washes up, naked, on the sands of St Piran in Cornwall, he is quickly rescued by the villagers. From the retired village doctor and the schoolteacher, to the beachcomber and the owner of the local bar, the priest’s wife and the romantic novelist, they take this lost soul into their midst. But what the villagers don’t know is that Joe Haak has fled the City of London fearing a worldwide collapse of civilisation, a collapse forecast by Cassie, a computer program he designed.

But is the end of the world really nigh? Can Joe convince the village to seal itself off from the outside world?

And what of the whale that lurks in the bay?

Intimate, funny and deeply moving, Not Forgetting the Whale is the story of a man on a journey to find a place he can call home

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This is small-town Cornwall perfectly captured and what a story!

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