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The Girl from Ithaca

The Girl from Ithaca

Author(s): Cherry Gregory

Location(s): Greece, Ithaka (Ithaca)

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): c. 1000BC



A Spartan war ship sails into Ithaca and two men arrive to demand the fulfillment of an oath. When Odysseus joins the Greek alliance against Troy, his little sister, fourteen-year-old Neomene, is thrust into a world she knows little about. Amid the secrecy and plots, Neomene befriends the women who are forced to survive alongside warriors such as Achilles, Ajax and Agamemnon. As the war drags on and heroes die, she finds romance and faces dangers vastly different from the battles on the Trojan Plain. Readers not familiar with the tales of Troy will find The Girl from Ithaca a story in its own right and an exciting introduction to Mycenaean culture, the Greek myths and the Trojan War. For those already acquainted with Homer’s version, read on to discover the heroes as you’ve never seen them before. It all starts on the island of Ithaca… There is the first book in the series, which concludes with The Walls of Troy.

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